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Scott has a mind blowing super power. He’s the fastest human calculator in the world.
Stan Lee
Scott Flansburg getting kids excited about math is so wonderful!
Oprah Winfrey
Scott's approach to numbers and arithmetic is one of the most educational and entertaining programs we have had at our Mastery events.
Tony Robbins
You’re like ‘A human calculator
Regis Philbin
I learned how to do cube root extraction from this (but several years ago), and now I can do that in seconds.
Rick Mattison
I really enjoyed watching and listening to Scott. because he makes a lot of sense if you repeat some of what he says about math, which is what I did just to fully get/understand everything he was explaining. I'm steadily learning things about math that I never even knew before any of this because math used to be my worst class to go to in school, but studying it this way, makes a lot of sense because it is all explained a lot better now than it was in school back then.
Brittany Bryant